Welcoming this important measure

Welcoming this important measure

On Sunday, the government announced that it will pass legislation to create an independent statutory body to review and publicly report on the adequacy of income support before every federal budget, as part of an agreement with ACT Senator David Pocock.  

This announcement is a game-changer because it creates important public accountability about the adequacy of income support. It means that every government from now on will have to publish information and recommendations about the adequacy of income support two weeks out from budget – right when media scrutiny is at its fiercest.

We know that it’s not enough ...

On Sunday, the government announced that it will pass legislation to create an independent statutory body to review and publicly report on the adequacy of income support before every federal budget, as part of an agreement with ACT Senator David Pocock.  

This announcement is a game-changer because it creates important public accountability about the adequacy of income support. It means that every government from now on will have to publish information and recommendations about the adequacy of income support two weeks out from budget – right when media scrutiny is at its fiercest.

We know that it’s not enough. People on income support need a substantial increase to payments now so that they can cover the basics. We and many others will continue to make this case.  

Right now, can you email the key decision makers that helped make this announcement possiblethe Prime Minister, Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Minister for Social Affairs Amanda Rishworth and Senator David Pocockto welcome this important measure and reiterate the need to urgently raise the rate?


Email the key decision makers

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Email Tips +

You may want to include the following in your email:

  • Your name and where you're from
  • Welcoming this important announcement and reiterate the need to urgently raise the rate
  • The most powerful messages are those spoken from the heart, make sure to share your own concerns and experiences. If you’re currently on income support make sure to let them know.