Raising income support must be part of the May Budget

Raising income support must be part of the May Budget

Right now, our political leaders are deciding which measures will be in this year’s Federal Budget, which is less than four weeks away. 

Despite widespread acknowledgement that we're still in a cost-of-living crisis, the Government has yet to committment to increasing JobSeeker and related payments in the May Budget, to help those with the least be able to pay rent, pay the bills and get the medical care they need. 

We need to make clear to the Prime Minister and Treasurer that raising income support to an adequate level must be part of this year’s budget. Can ...

Right now, our political leaders are deciding which measures will be in this year’s Federal Budget, which is less than four weeks away. 

Despite widespread acknowledgement that we're still in a cost-of-living crisis, the Government has yet to committment to increasing JobSeeker and related payments in the May Budget, to help those with the least be able to pay rent, pay the bills and get the medical care they need. 

We need to make clear to the Prime Minister and Treasurer that raising income support to an adequate level must be part of this year’s budget. Can you help us flood the PM with calls to lift income support payments, in this vital window leading up to the budget? Use the form on the right. 


Email the PM

You can use the form below to email the Prime Minister. If you're not sure what to write, click 'Email tips' below.

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Compose your email

Email Tips +

If you're not sure what to write, here are a few suggestions:
  • Introduce yourself - a little about who you are, where you live, if you receive income support, and your situation. Share your experiences.
  • Why JobSeeker and related payments must be increased - the JobSeeker rate of $55 a day isn't enough to support people to cover their basic expenses. The Government must act urgently so that people are not living in poverty. The best way to do this is to lift income support payments to a liveable level in the May Budget
  • Ask for a response - Let the PM and Treasurer know you look forward to receiving a response.